The Best Year
Happy new year, friends! 2013 was a tough year for a lot of folks, but dang…it was a great one for us. We released a full-length album, played 37 shows in 22 different venues, went on our first national tour, and got honored as the “Best Bar Band” in Southern Minnesota.
Look out 2014, you’ve got your work cut out for you!
Best Bar Band: Matt Arthur & The Bratlanders
By Rich Larson, Southern Minnesota SCENE
October 18, 2013
Matt Arthur & the Bratlanders are a powerful group. Like, Bob Gibson vs. Babe Ruth power. Like a 1971 Chevelle vs. a 1969 Charger. Like Superman vs. the Incredible Hulk. Matt Arthur has a voice and presence onstage that completely belies his physical appearance. His encyclopedic knowledge of American folk music and his unique strumming technique fuel a voice that can hit you with g-force affect. His ability to captivate an audience is as complete as it is effortless. Anyone who has attended one of their shows and has witnessed the power and glory of Arthur singing the old time gospel stomp Woke Up This Morning knows how strong this man is.
While Arthur would be worth the price of admission alone, the guys standing behind him are a force in their own right. The great bearded Bratland brothers, Don on guitar, his brother Doug on bass, along with Pete Christensen on keyboards and Joel Beithon on drums combine to create an earthquake equal to Arthur’s thunder. This is indeed the best bar band in Southern Minnesota. You can tell from the way the floor shakes.