Mr. Arthur Goes to Washington
Sometimes the band just can’t hit the road when Matt gets the itch to roam, and really, the dark days of January tend to be one of those times. Luckily our good friend and label mate The Holy Broke has a fantastic new record to release, and he’s bringing Matt back out to Washington state to help him do it!
Here’s where you can catch our fearless leader in the next few weeks….
Friday, January 23
Matt Arthur & Pete Christensen
Stacey’s Old Faithful, Gallatin Gateway, MT
Saturday, January 24
The Holy Broke Record Release with Matt Arthur
The Bartlett, Spokane, WA
Tuesday, January 27
The Holy Broke with Matt Arthur
Le Voyeur, Olympia, WA
Thursday, January 29
The Easy Leaves, The Holy Broke, and Matt Arthur
The Green Frog, Bellingham, WA
Friday, February 6
The One & Only Matt Arthur
Cafe Racer, Seattle